Its a shame that Musashi doesn't seem to be making a higher grade wakizashi at the moment. However...this sword is a good project blade. My tsuka was cracked 3/4 the way down in two places and was unfit practical use or cutting. The blade was shimmed in the with a plastic shipping band. lol. The fittings are very plain and basic. Due to the very good price of the sword, it makes a good project sword and affordable enough to buy fittings of your choice to customize.
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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
Good Sword
January 6, 2010
Rich Gray from McMinnville, OR United States
I have been cutting with this sword for a week now, every day (milk jugs, water bottles ect) after I sharpened it of course! I should say, it is not differentually tempered like the add says...but it is still a very good sword for the money.
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0 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
An Excellent Wakizashi for the Money
December 25, 2009
Stephen Poor from Booneville, AR United States
Like all my other Musashi blades, this one is outstanding for the price. It makes an excellent display/costume sword as-is, and with a little work would make a good fighting blade too. The handles on these swords don't seem sturdy enough for much combat, but after replacing the handle, you'd have the equivalent of a $150-$200 sword.